
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homeschooling & Life

We've decided to homeschool! We are allowing Z to finish out Pre-K and then from then on out we will be schooling at home. Many people think this is what is best for him, including us. There's been a lot of talks but it was not easy to actually make the choice because I want to see my kids excel, and never want to hold them back. After considering this became more serious, I decided to dig alittle deeper into it and so many of my fears were aliviated. Now, I'm just excited. Today I started some schooling 'tests' with Z. Not usual tests but I wanted to see how he would respond to me as a teacher. He doesn't like to sit down much. We did 6 worksheets about the letter A, the color red and the number 4. He did so much more amazing than I could have hoped for. Which, in turn, makes me even more excited!

My life has been a whirlwind of busy lately. I am hoping that this is just a huge shift and after everything gets figured out, things will settle down and actually be better. 

M has been doing well. I cannot believe he is going to be one in a couple weeks. Where did time go? He can say several words now. Yes, dada, mama, no, ut oh, and baby off the top of my head. He's so adorable. Definitely a huge light in our home. 

Health has been staggering along. Levels are still low, working on getting the supplements my body needs to survive. I have a good outlook though, and think things will get better. 

Business is good, or as good as it can be. Super slow right now but that's ok. It gives me time to catch up and regroup. There is so much changing right now and I think it's actually good that it's moving but not as fast lol. Of course, whenever things pick up again, I'll be happy with that too. 

Well, off here for now.


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