
Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy 100!

   I just logged on to start a draft post and realized that this post..the one you are reading right now, is my 100th post here on my blog! Pretty amazing huh! It is to me. I have people to thank for this HUGE accomplishment and they all have the same name - ME. lol! Just kidding, sort of. I write for myself but I do so in hopes that my experiences and writing helps someone else. I just haven't gotten to THAT point that I feel like I am offering any valuable information at this point in time. That will change though. I have so much I want to write about and things I want to make to share and DIY healing things....AHH there aren't enough hours in the day for all I want to do!

   Anyways! Happy 100 to The Kodak Life! I love my Blog!!!!