
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Common Misconception

   I need to clear a few things in the air...because the view people have on me is wrong and I know that it is my fault. I do not disagree with the use of modern medicine. In fact, I am grateful for modern/western medicine and how far science has brought the medical world. I am grateful for medicines to help cure cancer, colds, ear infections, and other serious diseases, viruses and infections. Its come to my attention that some of you think that I am this huge anti-medicine hippy..and that is simply not 100% accurate. So why do I push the natural life? I will tell you...

   I love essential oils and I love how they have helped our family flourish into healthier beings. I love that when someone gets hurt I have an immediate on hand pain reliever. When our toddler cannot sleep - I have a natural sleep aid. When I am stressed, tired, lazy, sick or whatever I happen to be that day - I have something that helps with that too. I love that I have watched healing and witnessed what I could only describe as miracles. Of course my life and health is not perfect..yet, but I know that the path we are traveling now will lead to the healthiest and happiest days of our lives.

   It used to be that when I was stressed so badly that I could not get over the funk I would have to call the doctor and have my Xanax increased. I was in pain everyday from my fibromyalgia, I had headaches - migraines, back pain, and intense panic attacks. My life was miserable..all. the. time. I'd wake up and wonder why at my age did I have to be in so much pain...and I would think to myself "How am I going to live when I am old?" If I am in this much pain now...and then add on top of it the natural pains of aging...I would surely be a crippled, cranky, miserable old lady. I was on multiple medications, supplements and lifestyle paths to try to ease some of my discomforts but the medicine only added to my pain, I hated the side effects and sometimes decided it wasn't worth the relief. It was a trade off...HOW would you like to feel? Yet, both options seemed to be painful and miserable I just gave up.

   Not many people know this about me but I started my college career in medical school. I tested out of all of my prerequisites, and was accepted into Nursing school on the track to become a medical assistant. I took 3 courses and decided that the field wasn't for me. I wanted to help others, and I wanted to be in the health field but in those three courses I learned more than my fair share of the negatives that medicines can do to our bodies. I also decided that I would be mentally unable to deal with giving patients treatments that I did not believe in. So I took a leap, and changed paths to where my true passion was..Marketing. I enrolled into college in 2010 as a business major. It was the best decision I ever made for myself, at the time. I still wanted to help people but I knew that I could not help them with their health, so I wanted to become an entrepreneur. My goal - to open and run a 100% self sustaining business...would this be possible? I don't really know..yet.

  Anyways, back to natural living. Another time in my life that a lot of people do not know about is my drug and alcohol infested teens and early 20's. To ease the pain I'd drink, smoke dope, take copious amounts of Xanax, percocets, Vicodin and whatever other medicine I could get my hands on. One of the biggest wake up calls in my lifetime was early 2010 right before I moved from Ohio to New Hampshire. I was in intense pain, crying and so stressed. I was ready to go, ready to just end it all. So, while my son was his Nana's visiting for the night I took a few Xanax, a Flexeril (muscle relaxer), an Oxycontin (a strong pain reliever) and washed it down with about six back to back shots of 1800 Tequila. I don't remember much of anything after doing that..except waking up on the floor several hours later in a puddle of my own drool. I lay on the floor and cried..who had I become? So desperate to feel nothing, no pain, no anxiety and no twitches in my body that I resorted to something that could probably of killed me. What about Christopher? Did he deserve this?, but neither did I. That was my defining moment - health wise. I stopped taking pain medicine unless I needed it and could not bare the pain anymore. I decided to take less Xanax, less medicine all together and I decided I was going to get healthy...but, nothing changed INSIDE my body so I went on with my life in pain and being miserable. During this time I also went through a very nasty divorce, a new relationship, moving 1,000 miles away from where I had called home for my entire life, a new path in school, and working with my son, Christopher and his autism. For almost two years I was a completely upside down person. I was angry or confused...or hurt..or lonely? I don't know...I did feel alone in the world, and I lashed out on the very few people that loved me.  The man that held me at night and told me it was going to be okay was the person who took the most of my anger. He was confused and hurt because he did nothing to deserve what I was giving him and I was so depressed over life and the pain I went through everyday that I was unable to explain to him that it wasn't him. I would find things that made me emotionally upset but I would turn it into something more than it was. I was crazy..a woman on a rampage.

     It hurt and it still hurts to think about how I acted but I have to let that go...I know it wasn't me, the real me. The pain and stress was unbearable at times and I would fall behind on life. Pain led to anger which led to depression and more pain and more anger. I was sick, my brain was sick and my body was slowly murdering itself with pain. I'd take so much medicine to try to make the pain go away but it never worked and little did I know that I was adding to my dismay.

     Early in 2014, an old friend came back into my life in the strangest of ways. I would complain about pain on Facebook and complain about having another headache or that today I couldn't walk. Jane would leave comments on my status and then disappear for another week. Comments like "I need to help you, I have an oil" or "I have these healing oils...lets chat". I didn't ignore her..exactly..but I was busy being in pain and I really didn't know what the hell she was talking about. So, we scheduled a time - eventually - to chat and get together via Skype. It was an amazing chat and we spoke alot about these healing oils...interesting thought, an oil that can help with pain and headaches, stress and infections. Interesting...indeed. So, I jumped on board and ordered the Home Essentials Kit. A few days later I'm looking at these bottles of oil wondering what in the world I got myself into. So that is where I started..exactly where you are - ready for change, ready for a new life? I started not even knowing what an essential oil was and they changed this skeptics life.

    So about medicines. Do I use medicines? You can bet your butt I use medicines. What mother in their right mind would let a child suffer through an ear infection if it seems the oils aren't working? What mother would let their child suffer from an infection if the oils are not seeming to be enough? The oils are so powerful, so complex that we, or at least I, just do not understand the entire complexity of them. I will go to medicines and I am so grateful that they are there. If I go to the hospital, I will not deny medicine unless I know I can. Our thought - Use medicine when necessary but replace as much as you can with nature. We now do not have to go to the doctor except as a last resort. There are many medical problems that we just do not suffer with anymore...Our oldest used to get nose bleeds...after using lemon and lavender three times he hasn't had once since...its been about a year. My stress level is 90% lower, our nonverbal autistic toddler can speak, I'm recently cancer free,  my pain is 80% decreased and I sleep with no sleep aides...not even an oil based sleep aid....I could not list the ways my life has changed without sitting here writing for a week straight. It's just so insane and amazing and I am grateful every single day for the essential oils and natural product knowledge that I have gained. And I am so grateful that my journey has led me on a path that not only allows me to practice business and marketing which I passionately love but also my desire to be in the healthcare field, teaching and inspiring others with treatments and knowledge that I 100% believe in.

   So in summation...we do believe in medicines. We do USE medicines...but its not our first option, and it is our last resort. We love the natural life and we try to be as natural as can be. The truth is..that I just do not know how to be completely 100% natural and I am happy with that. We are rest assured knowing that the chemical load we are putting in our bodies and our children's bodies has drastically decreased and we are going to live longer and healthier as a result. The chemicals, metals and toxins that I have put in my body over the years are slowly me more energy and brain power and I am happy with that.

    So, what is your reason to make a change? Are you tired of living in pain and stress? Looking for an extra income while helping others? I want to teach you what I know...let me show you how your life can change with not only doTERRA, but with other natural alternatives. Email me if you'd like to chat! <3

With a warm heart and oily hands -

Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical, psychological, or psychiatric problem, or a disability that requires medical attention, then you should consult your licensed medical doctor or appropriate health care provider. Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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